The new issue! (click to enlarge)
It's finally gone to print and will be available from tuesday 20th december at the latest. I couldn't resist drawing my favourite model again, Will Eustace, who is becoming something of a muse to me, this time wearing Dior Homme SS12 and Versace x HM.
Decoy has made the jump to full traditional colour newsprint with this issue and with a slightly increased page count too, I'm very proud of this one!
The issue contains:
four new illustrations by myself, a COLOSSAL A2 exclusive centrefold by Richard Gray, with accompanying interview, an exclusive illustration for Decoy by Jean Paul Thurlow, and interviews with Alex Noble, Sabine Pieper and Akmal Shaukat, all with illustrations.
To be notified the moment it becomes available, email richard@richardkilroy.com
Head over to Trendland to see the exclusive preview!
Great project !hope to collaborate with you!