Originally attracted to fashion design through his love of drawing, he gained a first class honours in BA Fashion Design at Manchester Metropolitan University in 2004. Then, In 2006, completed an MA Postgraduate Degree in Fashion Menswear at the Royal College of Art in London. Since then Aitor has gone on to lend his unique style for work with Umbro and C.P Company, and have his own presentations at London Fashion Week.
His unique characters express bizarre but brilliant bodily forms that verge on the surreal, yet always manage to purvey a sense of movement and appreciation for human forms. You can see in his actual clothing how these are brilliantly transcribed from illustration to garment.
“The ‘tops’ (shirts, jackets, coats etc) I create are all cut from a pattern/block developed from my own sculptural pattern cutting process: First, I design a character in a specific pose; then, I create a miniature sculpture of the character, which I then cover in fabric, allowing the darts and seams to be dictated by the structure itself. So, all my shirts, jackets etc. look like generic garments at first, but on closer inspection, their construction lines are all equally distorted and seemingly misplaced.”

more after the jump . . . .

Beautiful , love it